02 June 2011

i needed this

i walked into my mother's house, caked with the dirt of our field trip to the garden.  i was exhausted, and granted a brief reprieve to shower while my aunt watched m.  i scrubbed, soaped and emerged a cleaner but still tired me.

then lo and behold.

my macbook pro had arrived.  a week early.

i needed this.

i truly believed in reincarnation, and in a previous life i am sure i was a true QUEEN* (two snaps and a circle).  i know this because when i realized the large package on the table belonged to moi, i screamed, did a little dance as i explained my instant energizing joy to onlookers.

*I definitely believe in past lives.  i am sure i died in the civil rights movement, lived in India, and was a gay, white interior decorator named Franz.  Franz actually visits frequently, hence the awesome color scheme in my home - i definitely couldn't have done that as the current me.

 i am still not in my house, but at least it will be the most watertight home on the street by the time its all over.  i got my new macbook pro, which makes me oh so happy to have my own computer.  this is the funniest story i have read in a while (please check the pictures).  my son and i are going to dinner in a few, and i can't wait for our date.

yay me :-)  yay life :-)

( if you don't have a macbook pro, then you don't have a macbook pro.)

(i had to say it!!  the commercial is so true!!!!!)