19 September 2011

once again, love saves the day

not that this is new, but i am beginning to question my judgment.

"this was a good decision - to buy a home - you just bought a bum home."

I know that everything seems bleaker than it is when you are down.  but i was still surprised that for the first time, m's laugh...didn't resonate as loudly as it normally does.

that's when i knew i was getting pretty low.
and the spiral began.  thinking of all the moments i thought were good ideas, seemed like good ideas, conventional wisdom would seem to suggest that
these were

but then
i came back.

because my best idea, my best investment, was sitting right there in the tub.  pretending to be a fish.  and even if it was a bad investment to be with his father, it was the best decision of my life to have him.

and things started to turn around.

i wish i had the words to express that feeling - its such much higher, cleaner, purer than the "being in a relationship" love.  snuggled with m on the couch, his fresh baby-lotioned browness, and i think back to when he was in utero, and how all of my best went to him.  and i want nothing in return, yet i get so much.

there is a lesson in there somewhere.

its just the kind of love i can't compare to the boyfriend/girlfriend crap.  the one-sided conversations of recent dates.  the banality of the "what black women need to do is..." argument

once again, and i wonder why i am single.

i just won't settle for anything less.  now that i know love, i can't take/give any generics.