09 May 2007

down with the man!

i say this revolutionary phrase because the amount of stress college causes is ridiculous!!

how can this whole process - primary school, college, grad school, ph.d programs - be beneficial when it causes this much dang stress!

lemme explain.

i just got my final grade in for my gen. ed reqs in a cluster of classes that i abhor - the natural sciences. i am the epitome of a history major. the only numbers i do are dates; the only science i do is nature. i struggled - and i mean struggled - through this cluster, taking a total of 5 classes, of which i only passed two.

i still have to take a class in the fall.

there is no reason that:
1. i should have to take anything to do with NS
2. i should be this stressed about it.

now, i am not against education, but i do think reform on the eudcational system is necessary. the amount of stress and tension placed on the individual is ludicrous. and on top of grades, you have the impending promise of success looming- you have to find the perfect job or get into an even better graduate school, or just in general find a happiness that you can live with knowing you've got thousands in loans in the bank. how can you expect to live a long life with all this stress shortening it?!?!

hence. down with the man.

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