20 December 2007

when did i become the privileged?

i just finished reading this
and watching this

please, watch it before you finish reading this.
i'll wait.

i'm confused. hurt. ignorant. privileged. struck silent

she said “I wish that all these people, particularly from out of town, would just leave us alone and let us improve our city.” and i wonder about motives. i know i've been struggling lately with this - i want to help my black people. in my mind, i see poor black children. i want them to have the same opportunities as the kids at my current school. but then i go, and i wonder if i have it all wrong. if i should let them shape their own dream. if they don't need help. maybe this is their life and they are happy here.

i know when i was growing up, i didn't think i was poor. no, we didn't buy hella expensive clothes, but that taught me morals and values that i think a lot of my kids at M- miss out on this.

poverty isn't a good thing. but the values it teaches you are (?)

then i cruise home from P-A- and pass all these young black boys on the street. hoodies. swagger. posted. who am i to think that they are all thugs? when did i begin to buy into the stereotypes of my people?

with all this diversity, are the problems still the same?

people ask what happen to the civil rights movements of the 60s. time. time happened to them - it doesn't make sense to protest with marches when you can reach more people on youtube.

if the fight has changed, what happened to the problem? is it the same?

all this convoluted rambling to get to this: i have always been fascinated with the projects. in school, in the media, it was where REAL black people lived. it was the epitome of Blackness - scary, hidden, dark, sequestered away from mainstream yet the subject of study by the masses.
but in my personal life, i knew people from there. i've been there. never lived there, but i saw something different - a sense of community. people repping sets. violence was comparable to views of racism in the north and south- like the south, race, like violence, was visceral and flagrant. not to say there wasn't violence elsewhere in the city, but it was hushed in the daily news, like racism in the north - its virulent, but quietly avoided so that you just remain in a state of paranoia - was that racist? or was it because i am young? or a woman? was s/he just having a bad day?

and n.o. wants to tear them down. part of me says sure, people shouldn't have to live stacked on each other. we already see that projects don't work for so many reasons - give subsidies to people and build houses - let them rent-to-own so they have ownership over their pieces. a neo-40 acre and a mule promise.

but another side questions my motives - do i have a right to give a go ahead to knock down houses? would this be happening in a richer part of town? do i even have a right to speak with all this privilege surrounding me?

why did rebuilding take so long to reach this part of town anyways? its been damn near two years. but they can still have mardi gras 6 months after the hurricane.

why do i have so many questions and not enough answers?
do you ever have the thoughts in your head but lack the words to accurately express them? there is so much missing from this - the cadence, the shadows and bass notes that only feelings and pictures can capture.

thats the problem - i get to have a voice, and they - the project residents, the boys in the hoodies, the kids in my P-A- classroom - don't. and damn - mine isn't even all that loud yet.

14 December 2007

we've been having this conversation about Them.

you know, the unidentified scholars of the world that know everything...

"you know, they say you are suppose to wait thirty minutes after you eat before you swim."

"they say that you are suppose to drink 8 glasses of water a day."

well, i am also convinced that it is because of them that i attempt to blend in. don't stick out. its okay for others to blow your horn, but you can't ever admit, yourself, that you are special.

they say that means you are a conceited person.

they say that's how Echo died. How Narcissus died as well.

but i think i might be, well, unique. Or maybe just sleep deprived. here's why.

In bed with the boy (this is PG, i promise!) just randomly talking like we do when we wake up (when i wake him up) randomly at night. I had just drifted off and slipped into a disturbing dream.

a man walked into the apartmet. "do you here that?" "yea" "well, aren't you going to do something?" the man walks into the bedroom, and all i hear is plastic. this squishing plastic rustles as he bends over the bed to grab me...

i slip into a magnified view of the bible. the pages flip backwards past second Timothy to the First Timothy.. verse 5 sticks in my head.

here are the verses.

1 Timothy 1

1Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope,

2To Timothy my true son in the faith:
Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

Warning Against False Teachers of the Law

3As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer 4nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God's work—which is by faith. 5The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. 6Some have wandered away from these and turned to meaningless talk. 7They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm.

i remember from my dream something about teaching.

i've never read this book of the bible in my life.


13 December 2007

mini thoughts as i work on mini-term classes

1. you ever know the woman you want to be
keep making the same choices
you don't know any better?

(think about it)

2. i've lost my passion - its not that. i just haven't had time to be passionate. that's a stable person's luxury.

3. i have these to-do lists, but i never get them done...yet i find myself free enough to blog...

4. who do i trust? how do i know when its "safe"? once trust is established, can you trust that that trust won't be broken? and if not, then what's the point?

5. i can't find my observation notes. damn.

07 December 2007

to be an american

this is pretty good...all the candidates are interesting in their own behalfs... i heard huckabee talk about religion/the bible and was pretty supportive of what he said (what!! a black person actually agreeing with a republican?!?!?!)

but no really, this weekend, its all about catching up on politics for me. its like sports - their is already this HUGE following, and its daunting to try to jump into the mix - there is so much i have to learn, so many things that are just unspoken, assumed knowledge...

but hey, i like challenges.

where are we going? i mean, as a country? what matters to us? can their even be an us with so much .... freedom? so much ... diversity? or is belief in that what binds us together?

how do you balance those things - i love my freedom, and my choice, and diversity - but what unites me with someone in this country whose values are completely different, albeit allowed because i believe that everyone has a right to believe in what they believe, then my own, other than this superficial belief in "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"?

who has the right to police morals? values? belief?

28 November 2007

feeling under the weather

i just had an great conversation with the alumni relations office at my school about leading some events to include and strengthen bonds with the black alums of our school, one of which would be a wine tasting soiree. i was feeling under the weather as i padded heavily down the grey-carpeted hallways, passing other new teachers working in large, natural-lit lounge area, carrying everything i would need for my conference in boston:

binders? check.
notebook? check.
pens, paper, laptop? check

i was nervous about meeting and working with my new students at P- Academy - they are 3rd graders - am i still patient enough to work with young ones? i need to stop by walgreens to pick up more sudafed.

i jumped on the highway that took me from one of stl's richest subrubs to one of its poorest areas. i watched the landscape change from the green, reds and browns of fall to the greys of concrete. i was no stranger to these streets - i always cruise a new city the moment i move so that i am never really lost. its important to start the process of understanding the flavor of the city, i think.

exit. turn right. i make the turn into what appears to be a normal middle class neighborhood. huge house...smaller lawns, but still there...no trees, though

make a left. there used to be a house on that corner. i can tell from the rubble.

why is that house boarded up? its seems perfectly usable...

the suburban woman in me retreats as working class sensibility emerges. drive like you know where you are going. turn off the happy, turn on the focus.

make a right. where is the school? oh lord. this is the school...

i walk past noticeably tired adults trudging to their cars, empty coffee mugs in hands, burden with more than just their heavy bags announcing random conferences they've attended in the past. teachers. there is inevitably one white teacher. young, fresh, but the tint of tired coats him like a thin film.

the school is a mammoth gothic structure surrounded by crumpled concrete. as i park, i notice a house in front of me and the dogs barking in the barely fenced in yard. across the street, older teens are standing, wrapped in what looks like a blanket, as small kids run towards them, laughing. the air is electric with the energy that always surrounds elementary schools.

i walk up to the school door... locked. i bang the thick glass and iron door until i catch the attention of the custodian - "where is ... mrs. b's room" a cacophony of voices hit me at once -
"you don't say it like that!"..."the office is up dere! go dat way!"...
just go on up the steps, miss, and that lady will help you says the man with the badge.

i recognize another teacher who grabs a student to lead me to my new protegees.

they are so needy. so small. so bright eyed and so young. i find myself calling them "baby" and "sweetheart". "when were you born?" "1999."

i feel so old. at 22, i feel so old.

the classroom we are assigned to is so old. crumbling walls. bars on the windows (who would break into a school?) i look out - not at all the bucolic setting i am used to seeing.

the teachers are so harsh. so tired. i wonder why they try to harness the energy instead of letting it bubble and gurgle like kids should be able to do.

they flock to me "am i in your group?" "no" "can i be?" i am adopted against my will, my hand no longer my own but wrapped in a small cocoa one. "come be line leader with me"

after 30 minutes we settle enough to administer the diagnostic test. "johnny is feeling under the weather. bubble the correct letter under the picture that i have just described"

my adopted one shoots her hand in the air. all 7 pencils are paused as she asks:
"what does under the weather mean? "

i realize the bias in the test - these are middle class, suburban, white phrases. where people have the luxury of being under the weather. of creating new ways of looking at life.

"keira has just had her hair braided. bubble the correct letter under the picture that i have just described"

i hear nothing but confident scribbles. everyone got that one right.


we finish early and let them eat snack. line up: walkers in one, bus riders in another. we walk out the door and i see a student walking up the steps. fashionably dressed in cinched-at-the-ankle sweats, air force one tennis shoes and a baby phat jacket, all gold. i go to tell her to get in line but before i can say a word she takes her hood off.

her hair is platinum blond, natural, in a low fro.

one of my kids, baring striking resemblance to her runs up to her, smiling


there is no time to recover as another woman enters from stage left. i notice her tattoo on her neck and her ill-fitted quick weave. she has on grey work outfit - heavily starched thick pants and a well-worn jacket.


they both are no older than myself. i wonder.

selah, is this another one of your lessons for me?

the school is a mammoth gothic structure surrounded by crumpled concrete. as i leave, i notice a house in front of me and the dogs barking in the barely fenced in yard. across the street, parents are standing, wrapped in what looks like a blanket, as small kids run towards them, laughing. the air is electric with the energy that always surrounds elementary schools.

(bubble the correct letter under the picture that i have just described.)

more collapsed houses. more young people than old. more used than brand new.

the neighborhood morphs from greys back to greens, reds and browns. and i wonder just how far have i come. and how far do i have to go.

14 October 2007

sometimes deliciously so...

"sticks and stones may break my bones
but tears don't leave any scars"

-madeline peyroux

so i'm reading quirkyalone and got to the chapter called quirkytogether and i got a little hopeful...

i value my alone time. i love doing what i just did before i got up and decided to blog a bit - i sat in bed, reading, wrapped in my down comforter with the window open, listening to great music ( suba is playing now) and i completely understand the idea that

"if loneliness is about lack, solitude is the opposite, a feeling of being whole, sometimes deliciously so"

after my date last night, i felt an old me finally stepping up to claim her rightful place in my psych. the one that was called weird and odd for the past four years. the one who went into hiding at wash u to protect herself from any MORE damage. the one scribbled furtively away in the dim cellphone light of a darkened sleep-ridden shared dorm room so as not to wake the roommate.

this love is a deliciously so kinda reintroduction. the kind that won't accept any preludes.

06 October 2007


so i just quit two of three jobs. the two part time ones - i'm not that insane.

and swear, i saw the monkey jump off my back and walk out my door.

i am done.

done with work at 3.

done with fallbacks. i gotta step up. i can live off of what i make - there is no reason for me to be tripping on money when im not hurting.

i have to stop settling...no first, i have to let old shit go. so i didn't have the best opportunities handed to me. so i didn't go to the best school. i went to college. i went to a damn good college. and i got a great job.
so i have all this opportunity and i don't really know how to make the best of it - what happens when you have stole the master's tools and you don't know how to use them to destroy the house? didn't anticipate this, but it just means more learning. more reading to know what so few others came into this world knowing already. i have to keep shit in perspective - im striving to be in the top ten percent - the cream of the educational, financial , economic crop. its going to take some work, and even if i don't have someone validating my every decision, i have to trust myself that yea, i am a smart girl, and i can make rational decisions.

with that, back to settling.

i have to stop settling. i have to believe that i can do better - when it comes to careers, i am at least qualified to be manager, if not the damn director of whatever job i apply to! it doesn't matter that i am young - i am smart, inquisitive, and a leader. i get shit done.

i have to believe i can do better with men. i know that i am a catch; i've been told more than once. so when a guy comes around and treats me like anything less, its not my job to school him, but it is my responsibility to myself to let him go his own way while i continue to keep my standards. even if i haven't seen what i want, i know it exist, and thats all i can hope for. i must continue to hold myself down, and when i want a mister right, be ready to recognize ripe fruit because i am already familiar with it through myself.

its time to step it up.

04 October 2007

ramblings of a sick girl

having strep can drive you crazy...or just give you the space to think.

so i have to stay home until i am done with the meds. imma have a lot of time to think.

like these thoughts -

i've always been under the assumption that we were the revolutionaries. that black people were the ones on the front line doing all the dirt, getting the gold medal of the oppression olympics. but i stumbled upon a movie i saw a loooooooong time ago - the incredible story of two girls in love. leave it to me to notice a side note of the movie - the mail girl, randy, lives with a bunch of women, and they all eat organic. this move was made in 1995. dude, i just GOT on organic. my point is this - when you step out of the mainstream, your always seen as weird, but most of the time, your just way before your time. like 12 years before. and maybe, we - black people, the glbtqia movement, etc - have some thing to learn from each other. maybe one revolution didn't open the doors for another, but our collective pushing got it to budge and we just pulled each other through.

leave it to me to run with a metaphor.

also just got done watching evan almighty - i have NOTHING to do this early in the morning - and learned another valuable lesson. maybe, when you pray to God for something, he doesn't give you what you asked, but the opportunity to achieve. you pray for patience, he gives you a chance to be patient. you pray for strength, he gives you a chance to be strong. he gives you the chance to recognize the God in you.

that makes sense considering how often i've had deja vu lately - like maybe i've lived through something in my own life, then i see a friend going through the same issues, so i get a chance to watch and learn from another perspective. maybe that's whats going on...

10 September 2007


folks who are still on the corner are behind the times. nowadays, we are hustling from classrooms, in boardrooms, in coffee shops (not a la yung joc) its just crazy because i keep meeting more and more black folk who are getting ahead however it takes, and all for the goal of trying to help our folks out.

we really are making a come up, we're just doing it really quietly...so all of a sudden, one day....BAM! we gon rule the world!

especially with oprah backing obama now...the game is on lock.



06 September 2007

grown women wear mules

i have made a pact to myself to only buy fabulous shoes. and to learn how to teach in them. don't be mad because i have life goals.

17 August 2007

amazing what a cardigan can do

today is day one - new teacher orientation...

gosh, i look like a teacher!

11 August 2007

sometimes, you gotta question...

i think questioning where you're at in life is healthy - i mean, if your on the right path, then you can answer the questions, but if you can't...well, that's something else, right?

so go with me here for a minute.

so i'm doing some grocery shopping this morning..30 at schnucks....30 at aldi's...10 something at the dollar store...trying to stretch the dollar while i'm trying to eat healthier, you know, more organic, no pork, which automatically means spending a little more than normal, but i think 'hey, your health is worth it'

i get to the last store, the dollar store, and ole girl behind the counter looks - a litte harried, to say the least. hair's not done. scars across her face. she's obviously a little stressed, cause she's the only one working the registers. there's a line forming, and somebody asks her if she tried hiring some more, to which she responds that she would, but that the store doesnt make enough money, and she apologizes for making us stand in the line and wait. immediately, all the harried looks of the line standers melts away as we all sympathize. immediately, everyone becomes more helpful, lifting stuff and bagging for her.

i leave, wondering whether life would be easier if i didn't have to worry about more complex stresses - teaching and helping my people. i wonder what would life be like if i lived for the now...

i drive past a cop car. im well within the speed limit. he eyes me and inches out.

drives slowly behind me. picks up the phone.
i take an out of the way back street just to confirm what i already know - he's running my plates.
then comes the confident anger that accompanies the knowledge that yea, i know im clean. what - you didn't have nothing better to do than to follow me?

he runs them. finds nothing. eyes me through the rearview and make a u turn to go back to whatever corner he pulled out of.

i wondered some more as i drove home, more pissed than a b****-
no matter how high you go, you still just a ni**a.

so i asked myself - is it worth it? the nice apartment in the nice neighborhood, the car, although its a little angry at me right now (lol) the degree and the debt it put me in, the job in two weeks, the education about my health....etc etc...is it all worth it?

or could i have

been that girl, living in the hood, on public assistance maybe, working part or full time in some lower-end job, or maybe even going through tech training to be a hair dresser or have some other skilled job, just doing day to day, not worried about some unpromised future, delaying delayed gratification for the instant happiness of whatever clothes i want when i see them, maybe saving a little to get a old school, throwin some d's on it and being happy with where i am, maybe helping folks along the way...

i think questioning where you're at in life is healthy - i mean, if your on the right path, then you can answer the questions, but if you can't...

09 August 2007

mad mad mad

a. being an adult sucks (sometimes) cause you know from what experience you have when and what you should be doing, and all the responsibility falls on you when you don't do that.

like i miss ole boy. but i know i should'nt say that to him because that is a relationship whose doors do not need to be re-opened right now until i am 100% sure exactly where i want to take that.

and i need to tell ole boy #2 that the reason i haven't called him is because he has two kids...

and i should tell ole boy three (pleasedon'tcallpleasedon'tcallmeback) that i probably won't talk to him cause he has a kid....and not because he's white (cause strangely, im good on that now) but because he just seems sketchy. and i need lines in my life. not sketchiness.

and i need to figure out how to just be friends with ole boy four..

(there are a lot of ole boys, no?)

b. im pissed about what i have to do with ole girl. this is not how we started, but people change. im just pissed i pick difficult friendships.

c. i'm starting to believe the stereotypes about black people - that we are all hood, don't go to shcool, can't speak well, all the men are in jail, all the women are baby mamas and are crazy as hell, etc etc. so when i meet someone black who isn't, i have the classic white response "oh! you're so articulate!" damn.

aight, gotta close up shop and get home.

08 August 2007

livin' in the projects / what is blackness?

so i just saw the little scrappy song "livin' in the projects" (see the video) (read the lyrics) and i'm pissed. and just ... tired.

when did living in the projects become the quintessential experience of black people? when did we start striving to get street cred instead of going to damn school? who the fuck mistakenly believes that hardship only happens in the projects?

i've spent a couple years hearing the "taunt" that i was a suburban girl. i'm not going to prove just how "black" i am. i don't feel a need to any more. but for those stuck in Backwardsville:

yea, i had the lights turned off.

yea, lived through eviction. twice.

yea, didn't have any food in the frig for a while.

yea, had the electricity turned off.

yea, christmas got kinda sparse a couple of years.

yea, i was teased for talking white.

yea, i made it to a top ten almost-ivy school and was promptly called 'ghetto'.

(how's that for some role reversal?)

so what, im suppose to revel in these experiences? am i suppose to look back with fondness in my heart and nostalgia on my face like "yea, it was fun when we had roaches"?

and whats funny is that this problem isn't new - back in the day, blackness was still questioned between the formally educated 'elite' and the "peons" - and it was seen as a positive to be educated and still self-describe yourself as a "race man/woman". look it up.

nor am i arguing for the opposite - i understand that living in the projects comes with a type of stigma in some circles...that being on stamps can be embarrassing...that accepting welfare checks can be demoralizing on the self-esteem, especially for those that see themselves as the head of the household. but i know mad people who are morally and educationally richer in the projects than some i've met at school. and i've seen some apartments that looked straight out of a home and garden magazine...i still wonder how miss d. got that big ass couch and glass dining room table in her spot on the third floor with no elevator...

and vice versa - nasty people live everywhere. they ain't limited to one section of town. please believe. and rich folk got more problems than any other group i've ever seen - not only is it keeping up with the schnucks' and forsyths', its working hella hours a week. and a hustle is a hustle - rich folk just got better lawyers.

and i know i am one big contradiction - i am the first to talk about revoking a black card or getting it stamped. but yeah, i heard that comment a while ago (i forgot who said it to me) that we, as a black people, should stop saying "such and such is ghetto" because it only adds to this idea that those who live in ghettos are sub-standard. i know i have some ish to work on, and this is why i needed to get this out. i know i am not the only person who has been teased for living where they do. shit, i called somebody oreo way back in the day (as i sat in class with my dad's corduroy pants [cause that was cheaper than buying a new pair] and my freshly sharpie -colored-in black shoes [so you couldn't see the holes. i still do that to flip flops]).

we all kinda fucked up and we, as a people, have got to do better. aim higher. believe more in ourselves that shit really can improve in our lives, and stop with the helplessness that ignorance grants - get up get out and better yourself and better opportunities will present themselves to you. nothing worth having in life comes easy, and walking through that door of opportunity might not be as easy for you as it was for another, but do it nonetheless and be proud of the fact that yes, you can be black and live in the 'burbs. you can be black and not know how to do the soldier boy (although that dance is mad fun)

...you can be black and teach at a private school and not see yourself as selling out... whoops. my bad. one of the haints haunting me slipped out...

pulling the cards tighter / confessions

i just got this feeling recently - and i've been listening to my feelings and intuition a lot - that i should pull my cards in just a little tighter. make sure my ass (and the collective asses of those i care about) are covered. i don't know what this is....maybe its just the anxiety in my gut from school about to start and what not, but it just seems like something massive is about to happen, and i don't want to be left standing high and dry in the cold like damn...

so anyways, realized some things about myself recently:
1. i can be very self righteous and slightly snobby - yep. all that education got me thinking i know some things, and while i am smart, i don't know it all. sometimes, its just better to be quiet and listen. you know, nod and smile, not smirk, but smile.

2. i am quite selfish - i want what i want it when i want it iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - yea, i've used that pronoun a lot lately. count how many times a day you use it - i bet ( <- see!) you will surprise yourself.

3. i don't listen very well - or maybe i do, i just have some memory loss issues. or maybe, i just don't care as much as i think i do which is why i don't remember some things people say to me.

4. i'm quite OCD - EVERYTHING must be clean. ALL THE TIME. i had a dream last night i walked into an apartment with roaches everywhere and mice and it was just so disgusting i think i threw up a little in the back of my mouth.

5. i like list - its my ocd playing out again.



31 July 2007

mulligan #1

right all up in the midst of it.

day started as such:
took two sleeping pills cause i still wasn't asleep at god knows when in the morning
woken up by cramps
threw up because cramps were so bad
got amazing heat pad from e
fell asleep, drugged with three aleeve, some graham crackers and a towel...
think i told my boss the reason i wasn't coming in was because of diarrhea??? i didn't have that!

that was the beginning of the day.

ups and downs in life are amazing. was called selfish today. friend saw me cry for the first time in our...three? four? year relationship (wow, its been so long!). made 17 life choices and acted on none of them in the span of a few hours. then got cursed out for moving too fast. welcome to why i needed therapy in the first place.

my biggest question right now is what am i most afraid of? and how am i going to deal with what i know i have to do?

and i am going to admit it. i want a knight in shining armor. not literally, but the kind of guy that doesn't have to ask me what to do, he just does it. i have to deal with so many other decisions in life, imma just let you do what you do and nod and smile.

(yeah i said it. i just set women back some what, 50 years?)

why do i miss you? or do i just miss the idea of you that i created in my head?

so, chicago tomorrow. cleveland next week. and then school begins. and life begins to change. some more. and i've been told i'm strong. strong is knowing when you can't handle anymore and having the courage to say so. even if people don't agree with you.

how much of this is just growing up? how much of this is all me? how much is just normal and really, how much is just...crazy as all hell?

heard that another dude...totally unrelated to me...lied about some big things. like family and ish....really. can ANY dude tell the truth? see, this is why i'm just chillin right now. i can't take any more bulls*** - i got enough in my life. but if some realness walks up, then i'll holla ;-)

[aaannnnddd.....i'm not going to sleep anytime soon, and tonight, i am not going to let it bother me.]

25 July 2007

oh shit...

i'm a teacher!

i just got my books ( all 10 of them. yes ten) and the run down of how class will be. i also met with my mentor, a, who gave me the run down of stl schools, office politics, and being a young black woman in a "society school". One piece of advice sticks with me:

"keep your eyes open, mouth shut, and hold your cards tightly to you".

its really not a game. I'm so excited, but i have to take
serious advantage of this opportunity. i have the chance to learn from others mistakes and wisdom, and i am so freakin grateful of that, but i have to remember - this is a game. i gotta stay focused on my goals. i gotta make sure i cover my ass at all times. i have plans, dreams, aspirations - and it feels so weird to finally see them in sight. to know that with some dedication and patience and brilliance i can get there.

i. can. get. there.

i am so freakin proud of myself!! and so thankful of how i got here - through all the bullshit and pain, and with the help of so many, mad love, and patience - i'm here.


k, enough reveling. time to get down to business. i got a gazillion chapters to read, and not only that, i gotta find secondary sources, primary sources, make some lesson plans...

*still smiling*

okay...one more piece of giddines - I get a tablet pc! and an office! and benefits! i have health care! and i think i know what i'm doing! and my mentor at school is cool! did i say i know what i'm doing? cause i think i do! IMMA HAVE A LAPTOP BITCHES!


( oh! and new music!! black/female house music - the ish. latrice barnett - the new hotness in my life. who knew we did electronica and techno? )

k, im done. for real this time.

14 July 2007

intuition (its not just a razor)

that little voice in the back of your head is a funny thing. the moment you begin to listen to it, your life begins to change. things that could have gotten you in trouble, you begin to ignore. you begin to see growth - physical, mental, spiritual - and positivity just re-affirms itself. the voice louder and develops new facets...

1. it can become belligerent when you don't listen.

2. other effects - such as severe hangovers after a night when you knew you shouldn't be drinking - are all blamed on the voice.

3. it massages your self-esteem - when you do something right, and you know its right, you start needing less and less recognition and become increasingly happy that you can be content within yourself.

4. people start to realize that you have changed, and that you are more and more sincere. this voice begins to reveal itself.

= its just been you. all along.

it hasn't been so much of finding myself as really realizing that i have always been here. i have been looking elsewhere, out-where, for so long, that when i finally just stop. and look back, there i am. i am beginning to settle in-to myself, and i realized that i am pretty comfortable. this is a great feeling. to feel better than okay with the choices i am making. to know what i need to do, and that it will all manifest in good time. to be able to slow down. to have increasing confidence in my capacities as a rational human being. to no longer be embarrassed when i make a mistake. to realize that i already have all the love i need (im not all the way here yet, but its dawning..)
just to finally. exhale. no need to sigh anymore.

i almost feel smug - like yeah, i am right. i am okay. i wasn't trippin. i did make the right decision. that doesn't bother me. i won't miss you, but its okay if i miss some parts of you. i do love you even though i can't be with you. no, i dont have to name names cause i've already made my peace.

God, this feels good.

im finally breathing on my own.

God. this feels good.

12 July 2007

phones make me angry

just realized this...so i'm chillin at work, makin v do her damn paper (lol) and i realize - i can be social when i am with someone, but phones? yeah, not so much.

they just make me angry...

i might be fine before ithe phone rings, then i go to answer, and i quickly become annoyed.

if already perturbed, then i become irascible.

why? i don't know. v says i need to get over this, especially if i plan on making this segue into the small-business-ownership world (???)

yeah, its becoming more and more of a reality....this is crazy... its like, when you have dreamed a dream for so long that it no longer seems achievable....like some displaced fiction that has no place in real world things...this feeling is new - shaping dreams into reality is just...weird. and scary. to say the least.

as always

we'll see.

11 July 2007

lessons in humility and patience

this day didn't start out bad at all.

i woke, felt good, went to text a friend....

phone was turned off.

went online - got the wrong info. went galavanting to friend's house with said wrong info ordering payment on part of our phone bill. discovered 9 hours later that she may have paid my portion.


random ass info about a friend that kinda hurt. i know i didn't answer before, but i've changed. how do you convince people that you've changed?
i realized that people are a lot more sensitive and (not negatively) self-absorbed than i thought. we really do think that everything done is concerning us - that lady not responding "hello" to my greeting, that man taking another route (was it to avoid me?) someone not answering the phone (was it becasuse i called?) we really are insecure.

90% of the time, any situation in which you are apart of really, really, does not concern you. great words told to me by someone else, as most wisdom is. all this before work.

went to work, actually had fun because i felt like a manager - unpacking, doing charge sends, etc. left, came home, got restless...

starting eating. i think i have an eating problem - i eat when i am bored, when i am restless, when i am full...and there was no MAYONNAISE!! how can i work under these circumstances? and the depressing part is i might not be able to buy some cause of said goofed phone bill.


(braids kept falling in my face) +too short to pull into a ponytail+too hot in apartment+too expensive to use air=EXTREME ANNOYANCE

went to sleep. phone begins to ring off the hook constantly (its working now?)

wake up. clean like a mad woman.

now at work. realized that phone bill wouldn't be so bad if i actually followed my bill due dates instead of paying whenever...

my bad

now i just feel like an

09 July 2007

my bad...

i already know that i shouldn't be writing this late because my thoughts after midnight are usually uncensored and unusually clear, but here i go anywayz...

1. silence - there are things i see that are sketchy as hell but i won't speak on because it could mean losing a future contact. but its annoying - i am told one thing, but i see another. and i can't speak on it because it would make things 'awkward'. or maybe just awkward for you and ... fine for me. (she says as she sits back and sucks her teeth lol) but really, i am realizing i am more and more daring with testing the limits of appropriateness, especially in questioning things...imma just let that one fall off...

2. advice - don't ask me for advice unless you plan to listen. don't ask me for advice, then argue with me about it, then turn around and ask me again what you should do. it will save me some breath. if i talk to you for an extended amount of time it normally means (surprise) i actually care about you. and wouldn't purposefully try to lead you astray. (no anger there, i swear)

2.5 truth - why does it often sound so mean?

3. phones - so i didn't call. now i actually answer. i realize that as much as i said before that people shouldn't take my no-answering-the-phone thing personal, people (once again, see above statement) don't listen to me. so i know its going to take some time to re-build some of the friendships i lost during college. but why has it been so hard to keep the ones i had?

4. friendship - is a tricky thing. between lovers and almost-sisters - its a difficult things to understand and an even more difficult thing to keep. people grow and change, and i am not sure what's better: to grow together or to grow apart.

5. forgiveness - when do you know when to forgive? what's past the second strike? if its even a situation to be forgiven, or perhaps i just realized i cared more than i should have? what's appropriate to forgiven, and when should the chalk be whipped out and "lost" be written?

6. me - sage words -
The person u are now is
pretty much it. I mean, you're done. You're gonna grow, change a
little bit more, so focus on this person.
buts its so hard for me to accept me...

(to the girl who once saw rainbows through her eyelashes)
((my biggest fear is myself...wow)

05 July 2007

paolo nutini

i keep thinking back over the past 24 hours, and i don't know how to respond - i laugh, then i just shake my head, wonder a little, laugh a little more, and think really, what am i going to do?

can a guy ever really tell the truth?

so, i 've been told by mulitple people that i have a guy's mentality when it comes to dating and sex. so, from as far as i can reach, the only reason a guy might hide something is that he's scared whatever hidden information might put the sex in danger.

with me - naw, not so much. as long as we are on the same page, then its all good.

i don't understand why Truth is so difficult. but this also makes me realize just how much i've grown. one thing i am not feeling is anger - what happen had nothing to do with me, and everything to do with him (as crazy as that shit was). this realization is doing leaps and bounds for my self esteem - i already know i'm worth whatever i could want, even with my issues of trust (those can be eradicated with a healthy relationship). i'm just ...confused? perplexed? what the fuck is the problem?

so for the future, first questions i ask - "are you capable of being honest? being truly 100 with me? cause if not, then this shit can stop right here."

hiding ish is just disrespectful and stupid and created unnecessary drama.

aight, had to get that out so i can get it off my mind.

wipe me down.

gotta get back on that grind. get me some new shoes.

29 June 2007


to him who kissed me on the basketball courts.

you wouldn't ever believed i missed you anyways...


ur fingers traverse ancient trails across my body with delicate sweetness

as I lay, lulled between this physical and that dream

what is this exquisite feeling, flushing my skin a dusky hue?

I shift, rustling sheets to turn towards u

(eyes still closed)

not wanting to disturb this delicious tension

your lips question silently as they shyly lay on mine

a nocturnal nod for you to continue, no doubt.

you nuzzle my face

as u grow ... bolder

ur fingers play scales on raised ebony kisses

in this shared moonlit room

My eyelids stay still

as i moan

hoping not to wake my roommate in the next bed...

28 June 2007

lemonade and all

some thoughts from today

1. my fam - always the entity closest to my heart. after a talk with the middle sis, i felt invigorated. its time to live up to my name. its time to make my grandpa proud. its so...funny. we know our dreams so well, but we are always to afraid to try to make them real. as if, somehow, we might fail. as if that would be the most devastating thing in the world. but truly, the worst thing would be never to have tried at all.

2. relationships - me and the roomie talked. we know, without being conceited, that we love ourselves, and really, we are pretty cool people. i guess its time to let that radiate outwards. not to just say it, but really truly believe it. i know im not perfect, and i have things to work on (which i thinks makes me better) but i also know that i am pretty damn cool, and that counts for something. and that i don't need to settle for anything less than a mountain (thanks lucille)

3. forgiveness - its hard to forgive that person in your past that hurt you so bad you just knew you wouldn't trust again. for me, it wasn't just some random guy, although there was one, but it was someone i love dearly, and i still love. and even though i don't understand all of what happen, i still forgive and also ask for forgiveness, and i think that wound is finally finally starting to heal. and with the guy, i wonder, what do you do? someone told me tonight that what he did was not intentional - but does that mean that it hurts any less than malicious intent? sometimes it is the mistakes, the sheer carelessness of thought, that smarts the worse. and what, as the receiver, should you do? can you be friends? should you let it go completely? is there an in-between? as one who has been hurt and has done the hurting, i'm am still unsure, but i know that feelings are something that are unbelievably fragile, and should not be taken lightly. i guess all you can do is recognize, and keep living day to day, and try to sweeten the bitterness left from past lemons.

you know, lemonade and all.

27 June 2007

cause i had to quote it

"You always got a hand full of nappy headed apples that go and screw everything up for the rest of us that are keeping it real."
- my sister

i got inspired by this and this recently. so, i'm working on a plan, and i think i am going to start writing again. journaling in my actual journal (bought by the other sister) because:

"for some time now - i think since i was a child - i have been possessed of some desire to put down the stuff of my life. that is a commonplace impulse, apparently, among people of massive self-interest; sooner of later we all do it. and, i am quite certain, there is only one internalquarrel: how much of the truth to tell? how much, how much, how much!"
- lorraine hansberry, to be young, gifted and black.


26 June 2007

my story

i'm awake again...can't sleep...

so i had a great convo with j about life as a whole...lasted a few hours...i guess that's what prompted me to go break out the old journals...

i've been journaling/writing since 2001...i had another journal that i lost somewhere... so my life is all there, in blue red and black ink...i remember someone telling me that they can't stand to write cause then you have the opportunity to go back and read not only the good, but everything that went wrong as well...

after reading mine, i see what she means.

i have been through so...much...shit in my life. shit that i had blocked out.


shit i've never told anyone.

but then again, only one person has ever asked. one. out of so many. cause its one thing to talk. but its another thing when someone actually wants to listen to you. really truly shuts up and listens.

i want to tell my story...but why? where does this need come to share all the experiences that make you you? and what will it do for you? will it be the sigh that i finally need?


i honestly don't know how i made it so far.

i gotta go think on some things.

(for rae-rae, rafi and dev, and ...)

22 June 2007

back on the bus

nothing like riding the bus to bring you back to where you came from. some things i learned today:

you will NEVER get your money situation straight. so don't wait until you can to get your dreams in order.

i'm not a nice person. but i am a good person.

j is the older sister in our friendship

always buy in pairs if you like the shoe

even the whitest looking girl could be black. especially if said girl is dating a black man.

every shoe (so far) hurts after 5 hours unless they are flats

you aren't grown and sexy if you refer to yourself as such.

i'm ghetto. a man proselytizing about Jesus said i was, so it must be true...

those who hate aren't haters (as i thought...hence the above label applied to me by said man) but are murderers.

and last but not least...

never underestimate the power of the blank stare. mine's looks mean, so even if i am 100lbs soaking wet, i never get bothered, cause i have to be crazy to be that small and fall asleep on the train/bus.


20 June 2007

what happens when you suddenly think you realize that there is something else that you should be doing, no matter how hard you have tried to convince yourself that the profession you chose is what you should do?
do you shirk it off as the existential ramblings of youth?

what do you do when you realize that where you are is not where you want to be?
do you just shrug your shoulders with the realization that a lot of people are dislocated as well?

what do you do when you begin to understand who you really are, realizing that you've known yourself for so long, but you just can't be yourself around others...what do you do when you realize that you aren't as fearless as you thought you were...

(maybe enlightenment comes when you watch SVU...who knew?)

19 June 2007

i hate being an adult because

...there is black mold growing in my closet because the painters never came to repair the wall where water was leaking because of my neighbor upstairs using their air conditioner as well they should be because i don't think it could be any hotter on the SUN than it is in this apartment building...

...i peeled the label off of some container (i don't remember) and little black spores of something floated out...and now, i have been coughing up snot since last night...

...i can't take off work because i am poor because i live in a decent apartment with decent-sized bills and i have a decent amount of credit card debit and student loans to pay off and my mom no longer pays for my auto insurance. that was the only thing she paid for, so its not so bad...because i am already used to being BROKE...

...because i still want to have fun, but it's kinda hard to go out and spend money knowing that that five dollars could have went to groceries... or the next bill, whatever it may be (gas light rent phone insurance loans credit card)...

... because i still want to have fun...the reason i don't have kids yet...and travel and maybe have a new car and maybe buy a new computer and i still don't have an ipod...

...because after the age of 10 to 12 years of age, young women, especially me, get to meet aunt flo, and her bad ass kid PMS, which makes everything THAT MUCH WORSE...with chocolate and salt cravings on the side...

but i am glad...that i made it this far...and i have internet and a blog to bitch on...and i know that really, this all isn't that bad and not just because there are those proverbial kids in africa starving, but because it really isn't that bad. just annoying as all hell.

i guess i hate ... or get annoyed with being an adult because mommy isn't there anymore to take responsibility for my actions. i gotta stand on my own two.

but at least she taught me how to walk.

17 June 2007

love...monogamy...real love (?)

so i was cleaning, and a thought hit me...

so everyone (or many) want to meet that perfect someone. that one guy or girl that you can spend the rest of your life with.

but im starting to think that this expectation is a little unachievable. not because im a pessimist....on the contrary, i think real love is cool (understatement of the year) but think about it:

so i have friends, guys and girls. but just looking at my girl-friends i realize they aren't perfect. There is something different and unique i appreciate in every one of them that i don't see the same in another. one likes to chill and be a homebody and one likes to go out and party. one will talk endlessly about randomness and another likes to be concise and to the point, no questions asked. one is all about family, and another has a different perspective on what the perfect family life will be, one that probably won't include kids. i guess the point is, they aren't perfect

no one person can have everything you want. nor can you be everything someone else needs. all you can really do is be you. isn't that what makes things work? isn't that what makes life perfect?

so, for me to be cool with the fact that my friends collectively hold the qualities that i cherish, then to turn around and expect
one guy to have what they have collectively seems...off.

so...marriage? so...monogamy?

for example. not everyone is cool with the idea of being in a relationship with multiple people. for example, being with a guy that can lay it down in the bedroom (or wherever you decide to go ;-) ... and at the same time, being with a guy that you can talk with forever...and with a guy that loves to go out to eat, to movies, to clubs, and is adventurous - will go hiking, or road trip somewhere with you, etc...and being with a guy that you can just be a homebody with (without having to worry if he is bored)...

i am starting to think that this is okay...

why? cause it just seems more realistic. but the problem comes in with issues of respect. i have no problem being in this kind of relationship(s) if there is
honesty. i'm talking : i'll be monogamous with the dude that puts it down cause that's just healthy. with the others, it won't get to a point where the first needs to be jealous. at the same time, everyone should know about everyone else - not hide the fact that some days, i'm hanging with this person, and not you. and that everyone has the freedom to do what they want to do. i think that hiding things is where you get into trouble - that starts the lying, and i just can't trust or respect a liar. and if things change, i.e. you find someone that is seemingly just the perfect match (i am a hopeless romantic even after all) then our relationship

i have too much respect for others to cheat. its just rude. we can be friends, but thats all...

and its not all black and white. maybe you only really need two people - like a type a and type b - maybe people change (wow, novel thought) and your relationships change from wanting to be with mr. crazy all the time to just mr. chill. Then you and mr. crazy become friends...less time, less committment with each other...

i hit a quandry - what's the difference between a friendship and a relationship? traditionally, it seems the only thing separating the two is sex...the gender and the physical act... wow, thats hella superficial....

back to cleaning.

06 June 2007

stuff from when i didn't have internet access: Mice/Sidewalks/ N'Awlins/Growing Up

side note - why is there a man yelling outside of my window?...and now he is whistling...why won't he just go to the apartment of the person he is trying to talk to?

who said white people can't be ghetto?

anyways. past posts, cause i need to free up some disk space.


Yay new apartment(?)


Where to begin, eh?
Yesterday, I came home to find a pair of footprints in my bathroom. This would have freaked me out except for one fact – there was just one foot, and it looked like it was clad in a boot, and there were only two or three prints. I have concluded that it was a small mouse who just pledged Omega Psi Phi.

I go to cook in my kitchen, and find that for some reason, saint louis water doesn’t boil.

Then. There is a smell of pee…yes, urine…in my kitchen whenever I cook. Now, I know I can’t cook that well, but my food ain’t never smelled like pee. I ignore it, because I am exhausted 
(summer class+working=no joke) 
but this morning, it got the best of me.
Currently, 30% of my kitchen is covered in Method Cleanser. I got to scrubbing like no other – I cleaned the roaster, the inside of the oven, the hood, and even dismantled the fan and soaked those pieces.

But the smell. Still there.

So I start trying to break down the stove. I’m moving ish, scooching stuff, and I finally go to dismantling the eyes of the oven when lo and behold...

I lift up the corner right eye, and something small and fury is chillin. Just posted in the corner. Is it the body…or half of the body…of a mouse? Is it food that was alive, died, was cooked, and came back to life in the form of a wad of mold???

Living in an apartment has made me less and less skirmish. I can move, clean, cook, sanitize and deodorize with the best with them. 
But this? Naw, son.

So I hit it with some Method and came to share my experiences via Blogger as it soaks. So if I catch bubonic plague and die, at least someone will know how it happened. 

I’m not going to touch it; who knew chopsticks could be so handy?

*shaking head sadly*

the sidewalks in front of my school.
they are the flat, marble-like kind. The kind that is good for rollerblading and skate boarding and biking on. The kind that says even before you look up to see what the houses look like (cause there are only houses here) and what condition the grass is in (cause there is grass, you know) this is a great neighborhood.
Class is a funny thing. I’ve shared this story before, of how I asked my mother when I was very young if we were middle class. I remembered she just laughed and quietly replied “no. we’re not.” And over the years, I have wondered if that was true. No, I didn’t have a pony, but I had health care. And I didn’t get a car at sixteen, but I got one after I graduated. No it wasn’t new, but it worked until I got another one…see my point? Its like, whatever class your in, it becomes normal to you. 
You don’t learn to cope with it; it just is what you are.

Until you see a class of people higher than you. 

Then things that you are used to do seem suddenly…unpolished. Uncouth. The things you once loved ad cherished become jokes shared with others, partly to serve as remembrances, maybe to keep some kind of tie onto what is considered real, maybe to re-affirm to others and to yourself that no matter how high up you may get, you are always ‘down’ like fried chicken and red kool-aid, right? Like collards and Friday fish frys.

I keep seeing where I was, where I could have been, and sometimes, on a clear day, I get a view of where I’m going. I’ve gotten so used to looking forward or looking behind me that I forget who I am. Where I am. 
And what that means.
So even though today was rough, I’m still here. Even though faith in the unseen is so hard to have, so hard to hold onto and so hard to believe in, I will keep trying. And one day, I’ll get to have those marble sidewalks in front of my house, too.

1:09 am
maybe…I shouldn’t have watched “when the levees broke” by spike lee this late at night. I thought that at most I would be a ball of emotion, just balled up on the couch, crying, cause…I have this love affair with New Orleans. This feeling…Luisa Tesh calls it "that tipsy feeling" of being in a city that has so much history, so much passion and action.
Yeah, I was there right before it flooded. 
Yeah, I remember seeing the evacuation signs. 
Yeah, I cried when I heard what happened, and I was so frustrated that I was the only one crying out of my roommates – was I just too emotional? Over-reacting? I still don’t know.
Yeah, I went down to help for a week. And felt horrible cause I wanted to leave – it was so…contaminated. So dirty. I can only liken it to going to see your significant other in the hospital who has been...damaged in some way. You hug them cause you love them. Too embarrassed to acknowledge those feelings inside that make you want to pull back, because the atrocity is just waaaaaay too much to bear for one human being.

My sister seems to think I’m going through some existential crisis. That’s when I began to wonder – I thought everybody was going through this. I though I was just a little more awkward than everyone else with reining it all in.

I guess what got me thinking tonight was this one girl, just one person in the dramatical vignettes that Lee shot to …I don’t know, grab emotion, I guess… but anyways, her right side was to the camera, and she was looking in the distance, and I noticed her arm. Of all things, I noticed her arm. And how much it looked like my own. So much so I held up my own arm and looked at it – expecting to see what, I don’t know, but there was a connection, right there. 
So many thoughts flashed through my head – 
  • If I lived in new Orleans, where would I have lived? 
  • Would I have been able to escape? 
  • Where would my loyalties lie – Nagin? The governor (Kathleen somebody?) 
  • What would I think if I was watching this documentary? I mean, I remember some of the places, some of the street names are familiar, but not enough for me to feel as though a part of my life drowned, too. I almost catch myself straining to make things seem more familiar. Why? So I can say I was there? So that I get more empathy points?

I also noticed how composed all the officials seemed. The real people interviewed – they cursed and cried and shouted. Chaotic elegance in their speech. But the officials? All business. No emotion. Ray Nagin said it was him cursing on camera that finally got some things a-moving. 

Maybe that’s what we need – some more cursing. Some more passion. Some more fury or anger or…something other than this p.c. censored bull-ish. Why don’t we question more? Why do we hold our tongues so much on things that need to be spoken on, but let loose on things that inflict more pain then necessary? I am thinking of an incident recently when someone just let loose and called me …what was it…annoying. I jumped back – not because I was offended, but I had no idea where it came from, especially because I was so nice to her. Was that necessary? But then again I remember that I held my tongue on other issues that arose…even now I feel trepidation on saying something, I am so trained not to offend or step out of place…

And I keep wondering – just how important is this life? There seem to be two camps – those concerned with the afterlife, like this life on earth is just another stop to something more important, more meaningful. And then there are those who are concerned about how they act here, not because good works count as brownie points, but because of their progeny. They use phrases like “carbon footprint” and “good Samaritan” and care about the environment. Where do I stand? Or is there a definitive answer?

I think I am moreso the latter.

In that case, then there are two more camps – those concerned with sufficiency. Stabilization. These people look for careers. They invest. Are concerned with property and good schools and improving the world, or the world that touches them – and this can expand and contract at will. 

And then there are others, slightly more selfless, the free spirit green people who just go when they want to go. Who use herbs instead of manufactured medicine. 

And I’m polarizing – there are gradients of living in-between. 

But the point is, where do I fit? What do I want to do? Should I go home to be with my godson and my grandmas and my mother…should I go to be with my sisters and father…or should I heed the words of my aunt, whose spirit I can feel reaching me through the phone, heavy with regret but also inspired with knowledge, telling me to just go…go where I haven’t been. Go where I’m being pulled. Don’t let others decide your life for you. 
She is one of few who (once again) has never called me weird…or odd…who knows what it feels like to have something calling to you, somewhere calling to you. But isn’t that what life is? Other people and how they impact you? Shouldn’t I heed the ones I love? or should I heed myself? I mean, recently, all I hear is talk about love and marriage and kids and will I ever find the right person…i'm guilty of it myself....all about this search for someone else to come into my life and do what?

I said before that I didn’t have faith… maybe I do. Maybe I only have faith in things that I know I should be doing. And I doubt when I do things that maybe I shouldn’t be doing.

this growing up...and this thinking...can be kinda rough.

03 June 2007

payback is a ...

once again, i am seeing that God works in mysterious ways.

1. i have limited faith. i know i am one of those people that will kick, cry and scream until i see something, then i'm all like "thank you JES-us!".
that probably isn't what you're suppose to do.

2. something always comes thru - i still don't know how i managed to pay rent with no job - but i'm amazed that it doesn't really happen until the VERY LAST MINUTE. how can i have faith when i am so afraid that the next time, 'it' might not be there?

3. whatever you do comes flying RIGHT BACK AT YOU!! i am living testament to that. i go through something, learn from it, then it comes back at me.
 for example, i push people away because i am afraid of being hurt (real talk) in whatever way, shape and form. i just have this idea that people never come thru. some of this is true, some not, but whatever...imma work on that.
but recently, i'm learning that instead of pushing people back, maybe i should just tell them what's going on with me, so that its not pushing, but a request for space - therefore, no one gets hurt, i get my peace, it all works.
right after i learn that lesson, i experience what it feels to be on the pushed-away side. a friend of mine pushed, and now i'm

sitting here /
looking crazy like damn. - Nelly

now i know what i put people through, and am really sorry for it, cause i feel all hurt and sad and confused like "what did i do"? and i am sure some people felt like that about me. its true - you live and you learn.

i guess the ultimate lesson i learned is that you can't be all about you -think about how your actions affect others.


23 May 2007

whirlwind of contradictions

so i can move on...

so, i'm not quite sure where i am right now. i am happy cause i'm alone, and that i am around people who understand solitude is not a bad thing.
or do they?

not everything is about you. that's my mantra from now on.

i've grown tired of trying to explain myself. from now on, i am that dude in office space who just does whatever he wants to do because the truth is addicitive and can get you far.

i don't think i'm upset. i've gotten this new found peace and patience with leaving the wu - i'm not stressed because things have a way of working themselves out. and i love the fact that i finally have a room of my own, although i enjoyed living with others.

the wu was rough. i changed a lot, and not always for the best. it was hard, and for a large stretch of it, i was hella depressed. but i'm twelve days from being done. i've accepted that many people won't understand where i'm coming from with my bittersweet love for the wu. but it's almost done. and that's all that matters.

i am a whirlwind of contradictions, but i don't think that's all that bad.

i'm okay with the fact that i don't have all the answers. that i don't know what i want from life. that it takes me 30 minutes to get dressed cause i hate making decisions. that i am overly sensitive but underly-expressive and people are beginning to realize this.

i still have to work on not taking everything personal, but when are those times that i should? or should i just let it be unless you bring it to me? but what happens when your bad mood invades my space? what should i do then?

i realized the importance of family over the past few days. that these are the people that God made perfect - they judge you, but they love you fiercely. we fight, but we hug and laugh. we bare all to each other with no fear of repercussion. they always ALWAYD have your back (and are ready to whup someone's ass at the roll of an eye). these are the ones that will forever be closest to me because they never turn. never fade. hurt, but never stop loving. andi realize how blessed i am for that.

i realize that friendship is complicated. its never what you expect but always a lesson learned. it changes as friends grow, and sometimes.
it never really ever existed in the first place.


14 May 2007

ups and downs / bang out

i'm graduating. from college.
i have an apartment.
i have a job.

this growing up is crazy.

i finally had The Breakdown a few days ago. it was all bad - was at s and b's b-day party and was struck with the need to be alone. e brought me home, and i could feel the tears starting. its was all ugly after that (i'll spare the details) but it was k, like always, to catch me when i fell. Hard.

i was ready to leave all my sh!t here and just drive until i got home. i was jaded, tired, irritable, scared, scarred...

you name it, i felt it.

he helped me see that you always, always have the Lord to depend on.
and that no matter what others think, you gotta keep folks around you that you feel good being around...

09 May 2007

like i said...

B just came up to my desk, lookin hella destitute. depressed about school, life and papers, B proceeded to release, looking on the verge of tears. life should not rip you apart like this! school shouldn't rip you apart like this!

i remember i was sitting in an advisor's office and was told that i was too distracted with life. that my problem lie in the fact that i wasn't concentrating on my schoolwork. little did i know that "distraction with life" is a common problem of young black students from backgrounds like mine in college

that was the point i decided to heed the advice i was told my first year here at wash u:

brief story:
i had come back to the floor after receiving a c or so on a paper and was depressed. L saw me, and said "think about it. when you're 70 years old, sitting on your wraparound porch (i've always wanted one of these) watching your grandchildren play in your yard, are you going to be thinking about the day you got a c in a class at wash u?"  it was a poignant question from a deep person.

i had to figure out where my priorities lay in life. not so much regarding school v. living, but what makes/keeps me Happy. what makes/helps me feel Better about myself. these are the activities i focus on. so what if i get a d in a class that was not in my major?  so what if my GPA is not as great as it could have been? the past is the past, and the knowledge i've learned here is invaluable on

that's what matters to me.

down with the man!

i say this revolutionary phrase because the amount of stress college causes is ridiculous!!

how can this whole process - primary school, college, grad school, ph.d programs - be beneficial when it causes this much dang stress!

lemme explain.

i just got my final grade in for my gen. ed reqs in a cluster of classes that i abhor - the natural sciences. i am the epitome of a history major. the only numbers i do are dates; the only science i do is nature. i struggled - and i mean struggled - through this cluster, taking a total of 5 classes, of which i only passed two.

i still have to take a class in the fall.

there is no reason that:
1. i should have to take anything to do with NS
2. i should be this stressed about it.

now, i am not against education, but i do think reform on the eudcational system is necessary. the amount of stress and tension placed on the individual is ludicrous. and on top of grades, you have the impending promise of success looming- you have to find the perfect job or get into an even better graduate school, or just in general find a happiness that you can live with knowing you've got thousands in loans in the bank. how can you expect to live a long life with all this stress shortening it?!?!

hence. down with the man.